Causes of hair loss in children

It happens that the hair begins to fall out in very young children for unknown reasons. Alopecia in children or, as they say in common people, baldness is rare, but the disease is very fast. If you notice even a small amount of hair loss, it is better to consult a doctor on time. Here you can know about Causes of hair loss in children.

Moreover, in newborns, under the influence of hormonal changes, premature arrest of hair growth is observed. This is not a problem at all, since the hair follicles are not damaged, and normal hair growth is restored during the first year of life.


It happens that a baby is born without hair, which does not subsequently grow. Firstly, such cases are very rare, and secondly, they are combined with other developmental defects: congenital epidermolysis, folded skin, and endocrine disorders. If until two years of age the treatment does not bring results, and the hair does not begin to grow, then most likely this defect will remain for life.


Children starting to walk and older children

Some children have the habit of wrapping their hair around their fingers and pulling it when they think, get nervous or are puzzled by something. This is just a nervous tic, which the doctors gave the magnificent name trichotillomania, and, if left untreated, the child may develop bald patches. Causes of hair loss in children. Another cause of partial baldness is neurogenic alopecia, in other words, baldness.


This is a much more serious disease, in which several completely bare areas appear on the head. This condition can occur after any completely ordinary illness or after a strong emotional shock. Of course, this phenomenon looks intimidating.


But it goes away for several months, and the hair grows back. Partial baldness may occur due to a fungal disease. In this case, small patches appear on the child’s head, on which the skin peels, reddens and itches a little.


It also happens that hair grows poorly for hereditary reasons. Sometimes hair loss provokes chemotherapy for serious blood diseases and malignant conditions. Any serious illness, especially accompanied by a high temperature, leads to hair loss and a temporary deterioration in their structure.


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